ColourPointPink# Cursors

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Stone Carved Stove

Hey jammers. Today's new item is sold in the Outback Imports. It's the Stone Carved Stove.
The stove looks neat, but why is it stone? How can they cook fire if it's just stone? Why this cruel world AJ... XD
Anywho, a cool new video called, "How can you tell if a frog is poisonous?"
The short video was neat, I didn't even know some of the stuff in it. GO CHECK DAT OUT :P
The daily Explorer posted about the Epic Den of the Week.
Congrats, Enchanted!
There is a sign in the Adventures that might be a store. If it was your store, what would you put inside it? Comment your thoughts below!
Happy Jamming!